"International Mother Earth Day 2018" Motto «Ending the contamination of plastics» (End Plastic Pollution)

APR 16 “Día Internacional de la Madre Tierra 2018” Lema «Terminar con la contaminación de los plásticos» (End Plastic Pollution) Josè Infante ecoinfante@gmail This April 22, 2018, the International Mother Earth Day is celebrated. This date was created in 1970, in order to sensitize the world population about the urgent need to change our lifestyles, conserve biodiversity, curb pollution and demand from the authorities concrete actions. The theme of 2018 is to end the contamination of plastics, which flood marine and aquatic ecosystems and are responsible for the deaths of millions of animals around the world. Let's celebrate Earth Day by improving our habits: Join the environmental groups of your locality Save water and energy in your home, work study. Unplug chargers and equipment that you are not using Decrease the use of plastics and recycle all possible containers Recycle other materials (paper, cardboard, metals ...) Plant trees Do not buy...