José Gregorio De Sousa Infante @guardeam @DeSousaInfante

The world today faces the climatic emergency and the loss of biological diversity ... that is, life itself as we know it is threatened and that includes you. Who reads these notes and humanity in general.

 The results and documents of all the environmental summits held and the main scientific centers of the world, we have only ten years to reverse the causes that cause climate change and stop the loss of biodiversity. This implies, that we cannot wait until December 31, 2030, to initiate actions, because at that time the climate catastrophe will be in development. On the contrary, global change must begin now.

This dramatic reality can be exemplified in the following way: imagine a bus that is speeding and goes to a cliff. To prevent the fall, the vehicle must slow down at least 100 meters from the precipice and should brake at least 30 meters before; otherwise, even if you try to set an emergency brake or step on the brake to the bottom, it will be inevitable and will fall into a vacuum.

But the planet is not a bus, nor does it have a single driver or government that can make the decision to stop, nor does it go by a single route; In addition, it has more than 7,000,000,000 passengers or inhabitants and the world population continues to grow and social conflicts are sharpening every day. Life on the planet is seriously threatened, although it still does not believe it.

Youth has been leading environmental protests in recent years; This requires effective environmental education programs. Environmental Guardians Brigade of the GUARDEAM Foundation, Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela.


The governments of the main powers continue to deny climate change and discredit researchers, environmentalists, institutions, summits and multilateral organizations such as the UN. All these organizations and people are mocked by the denial governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, Israel, Brazil and some other countries, as well as suffer the smear and misinformation campaigns of the world's largest transnationals.

  They cannot recognize the climate emergency, nor allow a plan against climate change to be implemented in reality. That would mean recognizing that the problem exists and in turn recognizing that capitalism as the dominant (hegemonic) world system is to blame. This recognition or "mea culpa" would generate a domino or waterfall effect; that would unmask capitalism, imperialism and its pseudo-ecological variants such as solidarity capitalism, the green economy, carbon markets, debt by nature, etc. I would also confront other social-economic political models that far from being really sustainable, are in practice bad copies of the capitalist-extractivist mode of production, like some socialist models that actually mimic the form of capitalism production.

If the governments of the main powers recognized the climatic emergency, it would be the global awakening of the planet and with it, it would have capitalism and the systems that mimic it, the days counted. This massive awakening of the population by the climate, would lead people to seek a new system that governs the world economy or the construction of multiple local systems of sustainable government, economy, finance and production that can reverse or at least stop the damage generated to the ecosystems. End of the world! Grandparents say when something impresses them or when they reach the limits. Recognition would be the end of economic systems based on hyper-consumption, waste, exploitation of vital elements or resources and of the people themselves. In other words, a new world order would be at the door.

We follow the ecologists, environmentalists, conservationists, naturalists and related, longing for the utopia. This is another “quixotada” (Don Quixote) of planetary proportions, fighting not against imaginary windmills, but against a real political, economic, military-war system, sustained in turn in a powerful cultural machinery composed of media, social networks, applications and games, movies, TV, the same that keep us immersed in a “matrix”, a life of lies or parallel world, in which everything works well, and we live only worried about the new phone model, the parties of the European Cup, the Oscars and the glamorous lifestyles of royalty or the chimes of the show business; while we are distracted in vain things, the powers and the transnationals, plunder the planet, market with living beings, destroy the climate, the oceans, forests, water sources and other vital elements or common goods and if this were not enough they are threatened with a nuclear arsenal that would destroy the world in a few hours.

It seems incredible that you are more concerned about the results of your favorite sport and not the depletion of aquifers and water sources that your family consumes. I can assure you that you are more concerned about the end of the novel, the value of the US currency that you are sure to check daily and not the increase in temperature or the loss of the weather pattern (rains and drought in your region). I can swear that you are more interested in knowing the Oscar 2.020 nominees and not the list of endangered species included in the red books of the fauna and flora of Venezuela and in which we all have direct or indirect responsibility for their extinction , especially if at home you have parrots, monkeys, morrocoyes, iguanas, or eat wild meats or eat Chigüires in "Holy Week" to "save your soul" from sin.

You and almost the vast majority of the 7 billion human beings that live on this planet, are worried about anything else: valid or not, real or imaginary, far or near, banal or noble, but not interested in a single little so, the climatic emergency, the loss of biological diversity, the pollution of the oceans and the depletion or contamination of water. 

The current capitalist economic model implies the looting of the planet. Deforestation in Cubiro, Lara state. Photographs José De Sousa.


January 26 is World Environmental Education Day, a date created by the United Nations Organization (UN) to raise the level of public awareness of environmental problems. This date has its origin in the International Seminar of Belgrade of 1975, where the fundamental bases of environmental education were established, published in a document called the Belgrade Charter.

That is the role of environmental education (EA) facilitates a set of experiences, experiences, values, knowledge that allow us to leave the "matrix" or the parallel world in which we are submerged, where everything works well and where the current state of things, it seems normal. Situations such as hunger, wars, pollution, antivalores, social inequalities, normal injuries and even justifications.

Another function of the E.A. is to allow us to discover the real world and its connections. Maybe you are a nature lover, but you need to understand in the broadest sense that everything on this planet is interconnected and that for example if you live in Venezuela you can light a light bulb, charge your cell phone, turn on the computer, thanks to the Caroní River, which moves the turbines of the El Gurí Dam and which in turn miles of pollinators and seed dispersers, the forests that protect the water sources of this majestic river that supplies 70% of the electricity In Venezuela. Then say it with confidence: thank you bats, hummingbirds, bees and miles of animals that day by day pollinate the rainforest plants of the south of the country and the forests, the river and ensure energy production! Our lives, dependence on ecological balance and these small species, although you. Continue without believing it.

Another function of the E.A. is to allow us to discover the real world and its connections. Maybe you are a nature lover, but you need to understand in the broadest sense that everything on this planet is interconnected and that for example if you live in Venezuela you can light a light bulb, charge your cell phone, turn on the computer, thanks to the Caroní River, which moves the turbines of the El Gurí Dam and which in turn miles of pollinators and seed dispersers, the forests that protect the water sources of this majestic river that supplies 70% of the electricity In Venezuela. Then say it with confidence: thank you bats, hummingbirds, bees and miles of animals that day by day pollinate the rainforest plants of the south of the country and the forests, the river and ensure energy production! Our lives, dependence on ecological balance and these small species, although you. Continue without believing it.

Environmental education consists of a set of learnings that seek to modify our behaviors permanently, internalizing values, knowledge, practices, uses, customs favorable to the conservation and respect of all forms of life, reduction of our hyper-consumptions, modification of our lifestyles and the care of vital elements (water, air, soil, forests, living beings, energy ...).

This is an education for reflection and action. Try to drive changes in our behavior to reverse or reduce the damage we do to the planet every day, for example when we discharge the bathroom, feed ourselves, use wood, vehicles moved by petroleum products (including natural gas), among thousands of actions that Every day we do. All impact local ecosystems and in turn the planet or the biosphere. Everything we do, all the products we use, have been made from raw materials or natural resources and all generate pollution, including those that call themselves ecological.

It is not about not eating or bathing or not buying, which would be impossible, so we would like. It is about reducing our impact on local ecosystems (where we live) by making only the necessary, rational, moderate consumption, without wasting, for example, water and energy. It is about living one more life in harmony or harmony with Mother Nature, the one that allows everyone to live. It's about recovering our true essence. 


All scientific projections coincide that we have less than 10 years left to reverse the effects and prevent climate change from being inevitable. The nuns and some groups like "Knowledge", "Gnostics" on the contrary, say that it is too late and that the catastrophe or apocalypse is in development, with climate change being the end of this "sinful" humanity.

In any case, we have less than 10 years and today January 26 almost lost the first month of the first year. But ten years for what? ... what needs to be done that is so difficult, urgent and necessary? .. and why do you. is involved in this imaginary situation or unknown to the vast majority

Brazil and the US, are the main denial governments of climate change in America. President Jair Bolsonaro has delivered Brazil to the interests of transnationals.


The current situation is very similar to the novel "Love in the time of cholera" by Gabriel García Márquez. How to lead our lives, given the proximity or threat of a planetary catastrophe, in which the greatest number of living beings would disappear? It is about environmental education for the climatic emergency. Here are some proposals for this new education.

1. Recognize and disseminate widely until the idea of ​​climate change, its origins, the causes, consequences, current indicators or tests and the daily actions we can take reach each planet's inhabitant.

2. Learn to think in a chain: Exercise collectively in recognizing the interconnections of things. For example, where does the water we drink, energy, food, what materials or chemicals were used in its production, the impact of eating meat and animal products come from, this will then lead to questioning our lifestyles or, on the contrary, to ratify them. (Cases have been seen, where people ratify what they do wrong and even take pride!).

3. Social and political participation. When we discover the seriousness of the problem, you will feel motivated to get involved in activities, spread messages, etc. But we must also participate socially. This means taking part in public management. Public matters such as water, garbage, energy, food production, pollution, forest management and protected areas, etc., cannot continue to be in the hands of politicians, institutions and companies. It is about our life decided by others at their convenience.

Get active and start inquiring about all these issues, especially those that directly affect you. It is your constitutional right, do not let it be violated. Get active even if politicians, companies and institutions don't want to.

4. Search information constantly. Consult several sources, ask, compare the information, especially when they are contradictory about climate change, seek advice, attend talks, events, do not be left in doubt. Check if it is true that there is climate change, the loss of biodiversity and take action, provide your help, if that is true of global warming.

5. Mobilize populations: it is not just a simple claim made by communities and environmentalists, such as not fishing, not hunting. It is about demanding the end of a political, social, economic, financial, military-warrior model, based on the destruction of nature to enrich the most powerful families, companies and leaders in the world. It is about endangering humanity, to finance unsustainable lifestyles and consumption in industrialized countries. It is about limiting the looting of the planet.

6. Self-reflection and change: Reviewing our lifestyles, what we consume, the origins of those products, it is really necessary to acquire those products or we actually walk like “zombies” to the stores to buy what the advertising induces us.

7. Change the political model of our society: What are the environmental proposals and what changes do politicians and parties offer us? Why believe in someone who has no connection to our problems? .. And why vote again for those who have broken his word? Why vote for political parties or models where we are still mere spectators and we are not consulted? Why not demand that our demands and needs be met? Is it real that there is no budget for these works in our community or there is no political will to do them? We must learn to vote and participate politically, our representatives must be constantly accountable.

8. Review the concept of normal, this translates as the norm of evil. In other words, it is not normal that there is contamination, when there are all kinds of technologies to produce with minimal intervention; hunger is not normal, children in the street, crime; It is not normal dysfunctional families, or drug use, or antivalores, none of that is normal, it is imposed by the world hegemony that governs us.

9. Combat planned obsolescence: It is also not normal for objects, equipment, machines, tools to last a short time or to be unrepairable or out of date. All this was premeditated and is called planned obsolescence, being the strategy of companies to multiply profits. It's about designing things so that they last less and less time and force us to buy again and again. The fashions are imposed by these factories, which decide for us that it is used and that it will no longer be used. Fashion is an anti ecological concept. These factories and governments have the ability to manufacture high quality equipment at low prices. Unlike; things are becoming more sophisticated, that is to say complex in their uses, they have more buttons, ornaments, functions, but they are damaged faster, consume more energy and materials and cannot be repaired by forcing you to buy another new product in less time.

10. We can do many things, we have many options. The only thing we should not do is do nothing. What we should not do is cross our arms or play Russian climatic roulette and disregard until 2030 arrives and say that everything was a lie. The fires of the Amazon rainforest of 2,019 and Australia 2,020 are evidence of that climate change and of those criminal actions of large companies and complicit governments to take over the latest biodiversity reservoirs.

We have less than 10 years left and we already lost the first month of the first year.

Happy and carefree world environmental education day 2.020!


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